Here we are in IF, bright eyed and bushy tailed! Ready to hit the road!
Here we are in Moab, another first for Annabelle
This is the Montecello, Utah Temple around 2:30 AM
My wimpy stretch of the drive, I only drove less than two hours :) I never claimed to be a road warrior
My trusty co-pilot! (Not so much! She fell asleep 20 minutes into the drive!) Ha ha, love you Caitlyn! She was the real trooper and drove through the night! 2:30 AM- 6:30 AM
TEXAS FINALLY! This part of the drive gives a lot of false hope. At this point, we still had 8+ hours to go!
Hooray Texas! Here I am with Caitlyn's sister Madelaine and GOGO- Cait's mama
Very cute boutique- Bless Your Heart
The Alamo was TINY! Big surprise to me
Here we are on the beautiful river walk in downtown San Antonio
All in all this was indeed, an INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE! And I had so much fun, thanks so much Sanchez family!
Oh my gosh annie! I found your blog through arianne's! I think we need to be blogging buddies! Will you send me an email so I can invite you to mine? it is crazy how much i've seen you this summer i think it's a sign.